LDE Team- Leadership Development Event
Leadership Development Events focus on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication and their knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization. Team and individual events are used to reinforce what is taught in agricultural science classrooms.
Event Include:
Agricultural Issues Forum
CDE Team -Career Development Event
Career Development Events build on what is learned in agricultural classes and encourage members to put their knowledge into practice. These events are designed to help a member prepare for a career in agriculture by testing and challenging the student's technical, leadership, interpersonal and teamwork skills as well as their knowledge of the subject matter. CDEs answer the question,
"When will I use this knowledge in the real world?"
Events Include:
Meat Judging
Livestock Judging
Poultry Judging
Milk Product and Quality
Horse Judging
Farm Business Management
Vet Tech
Public Speaking
Speaking Development Events are designed to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given subject. Students are encouraged to develop their communication skills and learn to formulate their remarks for presentation in a variety of situations. The state finals of the speaking development events are held in conjunction
with the Texas FFA Convention in July.
Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Senior Prepared Public Speaking
Junior Prepared Public Speaking
Soil Stewardship Prepared Public Speaking
Science Fair
Students use the scientific process as they reinforce skills and principles they have learned in agriscience courses. They conduct research projects and prepare a scientific report and display for judging at the state level.
State winners in each category and division are awarded $1,000 scholarship and advance to the National FFA Agriscience Fair held in conjunction with National FFA Convention.
Biochemistry/Food Science/ Microbiology
Environmental Science